Know what others are ACTUALLY paying before you sign your apartment lease and SAVE yourself money.

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What is What's The Rent?

What's The Rent is a brand new digital resource that provides tenants the ability to submit and search through real apartment rental data, including monthly rent, fees, utilities, property taxes, and more. This is accomplished through crowd-sourcing that important information. The more tenants like you who participate, the more impactful What's The Rent can be!

The goal of WTR is to create a movement to:

Collectively, all of this is to support each other in making one of life's most significant decisions, where to live. Harness power in numbers to provide rent transparency to a notoriously opaque industry and help level the playing field to increase housing affordability. Keep more of your money in your own pocket!

Steps to Use What's The Rent

Next time you are wondering, What's The Rent?, smile and feel relaxed because you already know.

More informed. Less stress. More money to live.

Why What's The Rent?

Feeling stressed

We've all been there. The dreaded activity of finding an affordable apartment to rent. Wading through scammers, liars, "fair market rents", ambiguous fees, and everything in between can be daunting. Rent information is hard to come by and you eventually just settle with an ok place that is far too expensive. Less and less of your money is left to go around. Rinse and repeat every year after your rent gets increased, forcing you to either move or pay up.


Feeling calm

Now imagine this. You have accurate rental data right at your finger tips. Rental data showing what real people like you are actually paying. Disregard the sales talk, rental software, or anything else done to try to get the most money out of you. Make an informed decision based on what others are paying, not what the landlord is trying to get you to pay. Use the rental data to focus in your search and eventually negotiate to what's fair or move onto the next option.


Join the push for rent transparency to help save each other money by submitting your personal rental information below! Any identifying information will be kept completely private.

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